Paul McGuire 

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Paul McGuire is host of the syndicated McGuire Report. Paul McGuire hosted the nationally syndicated "Paul McGuire Show" for 10 years which broadcast from Los Angeles M-F from 3-6PM. Paul McGuire is a frequent guest on the Fox News Network and CNN. He is the author of 16 books including “The Day The Dollar Died," which deals with the planned destruction of the dollar in order to bring in a world currency.

Paul is the producer of two science fiction films and has written columns for WorldNetDaily and NewsMax. He is also a professor at The King's College and Seminary where he teaches a course entitled "Israel & Armageddon."  Recently the History Channel did a special with Paul McGuire entitled “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse.”

The Paul McGuire Show was a nationally syndicated radio talk show with a conservative point of view. Guests on McGuire's program included former President Jimmy Carter, Senator John McCain, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Oliver North, Rick Warren, Joel Rosenberg, Tim LaHaye, Dr. James Dobson, Ann Coulter as well as Secretaries of States and high ranking members of the Pentagon.  Paul also interviewed PLO leaders and Generals in the Israeli Defense Forces.

In the last year Paul McGuire has spoken to over 24,000 people in person at various “Prophecy Conferences” along with Joel Rosenberg, leading Generals from the Pentagon, Tim LaHaye and Israeli General Shimon Erem.



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